Today Mrs Duffy and Miss Coleman attended the School Council Meeting. The representatives welcomed their guests and then all shared some of the things they really like about our school. These included our fun, creative curriculum and creativity mornings, the rainbow being used across the school and the Star of the Week certificates, great trips, great clubs and great events, tasty dinners, excellent staff, clear routines and systems , meditation and lots more!

The class representatives also had ideas for how St.Vincent’s could be improved even further. Suggestions included having a School Council Surgery at playtimes, getting a new Friendship Bench (and donating the current one to the Pupil Chaplains & the Spirituality Corner ) quiet music and napkins in the dinner hall.

School Council representatives are going to come to the next SVPA meeting to thank the SVPA for helping to provide fruit for everyone in the school and to kindly request some financial support for the new bench and the napkins. Fingers crossed!

School Council suggested working with Green Team to find a way of putting a new greenhouse on the roof playground.

The School Council would also like to invite governors to attend one of their meetings and also the local MP. We will keep you updated!

Miss Coleman and Mrs Duffy thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and were very impressed with the positive attitudes of the pupils, their sensible suggestions and their polite behaviour- they are excellent School Council representatives for their classes.