Year 6 had an exciting STEM-filled afternoon with five sixth-formers and their teachers from Francis Holland School.  All five pupils are involved in a project where they are  building a mini-satellite that fits in a can and launching it on an ESA rocket! Today, they came to give us a presentation to share what they have been learning.

We then all had great fun building mini rockets using paper and straws, using a template designed by NASA.  We tested them by launching them and measuring how far they travelled along the corridor. Many of us also tested them by launching them at the ceiling and some of us accidentally launched ours into the air conditioning vent or out of the window! Certificates were awarded for 1st-3rd place as well as best design.

We also had the opportunity to explore robotics by playing with Ozobots, which are little line-following robots.  We were able to experiment with  “colour coding” to give the bots instructions for line-following.

Many thanks to the pupils and their teachers  from Francis Holland School for giving their time to work with us this afternoon. We really appreciate it and learned so much from you.

What did you enjoy most about the workshop, Year 6?


22 comments on “STEM Workshop with Francis Holland School

  1. The STEM workshop was so much fun! Thank you Francis Holland pupils and teachers coming to our school today. My favourite part about this workshop was shooting our rockets. Shooting and making our rockets was AMAZING!!!

  2. This was an exciting topic, we have really enjoyed this lesson and have already gained a lot of knowledge about STEM!

  3. We learnt how to make paper rockets and showed us a robot that tracks lines.

  4. I enjoyed this so much.I loved everyone’s rockets so much.

  5. I really enjoyed this workshop with Francis Holland! My favorite part was when we made and blasted the rockets across the corridor. Even though I didn’t get third, second or first I was happy to see my friends receive a certificate.

  6. Juliet Year6 says:

    It was so cool to do the rockets even though i didn’t win the longest blow for the rocket!!!!

  7. It was soo fun!
    I loved making paper rockets with some teenagers from Francis Holland!!!

  8. It was so fun making the paper planes!

  9. Heloise Y6 😀 says:

    I had a lot of fun and I really enjoyed making these paper rockets. I am quite proud of myself because I won the first prize of how far my rocket went. 7.40 metres !!!

  10. It was so fun because when we tried blowing on the rocket it would not go and it was so funny.

  11. Tomi Year 6 says:

    It was a very fun creation that I would probably try it again

  12. Valentina y6 says:

    They taught us how to make straw rockets and taught us about they’re project which is about they building a rocket for getting data from the sky. We did races with our straws and people won and we all got kitkats.

  13. ☆NOAH☆ says:

    I really enjoyed making mini paper rockets for the project it was so much fun I also loved having mini robots following the markers.It was a good experience and wasn’t just about the fun but also about how you had to kind of programme it because it followed the lines.

  14. Isabella Y6💖 says:

    This workshop was AMAZING! I really enjoyed making our rockets and seeing how far they could go.

  15. Sebastian y6 says:

    i enjoyed launching the rocket the most i really loved it to see how far my rocket went!

  16. This was REALLY FUN!! If I had the choice I would do it all again.

  17. I enjoyed flying rockets.

  18. Aluna (🢟⬫🢟)/) says:

    I learnt how to make a straw paper plane. It was entertaining to be part of this activity!

  19. I enjoyed doing this STEM workshop and my rocket launched very far. It was fun learning how to do the rockets and we got to be in groups to make our rockets.

  20. There were these interesting bots that followed a pen marker! It was amazing!

  21. Daniela (/(0v0)/) says:

    This workshop was entertaining! Playing with robots and making rockets was really fun! The robots were interesting, they can follow lines and have sensors to do different tricks. Good luck to the people launching their satellite!

  22. I really enjoyed the workshop because I found it really fun to launch the rockets.

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