Today the St. Vincent’s staff team is in school for an Inset day and we were so pleased to open the post to receive a lovely thank you letter and certificate from the Catholic Children’s Society.
In his recent encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’, Pope Francis sets us a challenge:
“Each day we have to decide whether to be Good Samaritans or indifferent bystanders . . . Will we bend down and help another get up? This is today’s challenge, and we should not be afraid to face it.”
During Lent St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary took up Pope Francis’ challenge to try and help local disadvantaged children and families in their time of need. We took home collection boxes and participated in an own clothes day. Raising £910 we rose to the CCS Lenten Challenge: “Will we bend down and help another to get up?” Well done everyone. Please read the letter below for examples of how this money will be used to help others.