This afternoon, in Religious Education, we have been learning about the Ascension. We listened to the story from the Book of Acts, where we learnt about Jesus’ return to Earth. In our previous lessons, we learnt that Jesus had promised the disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit, in order to help them and guide them. Jesus had promised that this gift would ensure that they never again felt alone, in the way that they had in the days after the Crucifixion.
In the story of the Ascension, we know that Jesus walked with the disciples to the Mount of Olives, where he told them that they should tell the people of the world of his message and of his life. Jesus told them that the Holy Spirit would give them the power and the words to do this, and with this, Jesus was taken away from the earth and a could hid him from them. As the disciples gazed into the sky to see their friend, two men in white appeared to them and told them that Jesus would, one day, come back. The disciples then left and returned to Jerusalem, where they waited for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
In class, we looked at some images of the Ascension and we discussed the colours that we could see and why the artist might have chosen to use these colours. Some of us thought that the bright colours might represent the fact that Jesus was returning to his Father, which was such an important occasion. We wrote about the promises that Jesus had made, and what this meant. We also began our own versions of the Ascension, using watercolours to create a ‘blow paint’ version of the clouds that we see in the images.
Well done for a great week, Year 2!