After learning about the Benin Bronzes last week, this week we created our own representations of Benin Bronze heads. 

As  it would be far too dangerous and too expensive to create these using molten metal, we borrowed Augusta Savage’s method and created them in clay which we then painted bronze.

We learned how to create hollow clay heads first and then used a range of techniques for adding details.

 Please go to our Class Blog to tell us what you have enjoyed learning about  in the topic so far and what you are interested in learning about next.

2 comments on “The Benin Bronzes

  1. '-' AmArIsSa '-' says:

    This was fun although things got a little messy!
    This activity was by far the most enjoyable and exciting one we’ve done so far in this topic.
    Some didn’t turn out as they were expected and it was hard making the heads, but we got there in the end!

  2. That looks so fun

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