Over the last two weeks Nursery has been reading the book ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister. We have read this story every day and so know it really. We have done lots of fun activities that follow the theme of the book.

Firstly we did an art activity where we created our own rainbow fish. We talked about the different colours in the rainbow and then used our fingers to paint on the scales of the fish. It was a bit tricky using different fingers for different colours but all of our fish look amazing.

We also did some rainbow fish counting! We used our rainbow fish to help us count scales. We practised counting the scales we were going to add on and then one at a time we added them onto the rainbow fish.

Lastly we talked about the different animals that live under the sea with the rainbow fish. We looked at fish, dolphins, sharks, whales, octopus, starfish and turtles. We talked about how we need to look after the animals that live in the sea. We also got to have a little play with some of the animals in the water tray.


6 comments on “The Rainbow Fish

  1. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    Excellent paintings of the Rainbow Fish!

  2. Sounds like you had lots of fun. Well done on the drawings Nursery!!! 😉

  3. I remember learning about that.

  4. Alexandra Y3 says:

    I love those paintings!

  5. Alexandra Y3 says:

    I think the rainbow 🌈 fish is a sweet story! I hope you all enjoyed it! Well done nursery!

  6. Wow what fun!!Those drawings look so cool. I wish I could draw like that.

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