At St. Vincent’s we are truly blessed to have such an active, committed and successful Parents’ Association, the SVPA , who organise brilliant social activities whilst raising much needed funds for our lovely school. As well as enhancing the curriculum with exciting trips and visitors, this money is used to buy daily essentials such as books and pencils. Please watch this short film to find out more.

The work of the SVPA is a team effort. To ensure the continuity of this valuable support, we need new parents to please help and take on some responsibility, whilst we still have more experienced members to ensure a smooth handover.

As well as helpers for each event (especially the auction!) we still need volunteers for the following positions please:

  • Class Representative for Year 1

  • Class Representative for Year 2

  • Christmas Fair Co-ordinator

  • Easter Fair Co-ordinator

  • SVPA Co-Chair/ Auction Manager

This was explained at the recent SVPA meeting and more detail about the roles and responsibilities can be found on the PPT.

If you can commit some time to supporting the school please do speak to the SVPA chairs, Julie & Ewa, Miss Coleman or Miss Carruthers.

                                                                                            THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

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