Tier 2: High Alert

As of today, Wednesday 2 December, Westminster, along with the rest of London, will move to Local COVID-19 alert level: high, otherwise known as Tier 2.


From today, this means that the following additional measures are in place across London:

·         Schools, nurseries and universities remain open. nb We will revert to collection arrangements from before Lockdown 2.

·         You must not meet indoors with anyone outside your household or support bubble. The rule of six applies outdoors.

·         Indoor leisure centres can open. Organised sport, physical activity and exercise classes can take place outdoors. Indoors exercise will only be permitted if social distancing is in place

·         Places of worship can hold communal services if social distancing is in place

·         You are asked to please reduce the number of journeys you make.

·         You must continue to follow high alert level rules if travelling to medium alert levels, and avoid travel to very high alert areas

Hands. Face. Space

The most important thing we can all do to prevent the spread of the virus is to remember the basics, Hands. Face. Space:

  • Wash your hands, regularly and for at least 20 seconds, or if you can’t, use hand sanitiser
  • Stay at least two metres away from people outside your household or bubble
  • Wear a face covering in shops and supermarkets, on public transport and when in other indoor spaces where keeping at least two metres apart from others isn’t possible.


Most people who feel ill with coronavirus will have at least one of the key symptoms:

·         a high temperature

·         a new, continuous cough

·         a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste


Some families  can find it difficult to distinguish between a cold or COVID for younger children. The BBC has produced a video explaining the differences which you may find helpful

The government has updated their guidance for parents and carers to reflect the end of National Restrictions on 2 December and how education settings should operate under the local restriction tiers. Click here to read

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