Our current topic is Growing! To extend and support our learning within our Growing topic, we looked at different types of seeds and discussed what they need to help them grow!

In groups, the children explored our lovely prayer garden in the EYFS courtyard. We looked at what was growing there, how the flowers and grass got there and what they need to continue to grow. We talked in groups about how the flowers and small plants have grown from a small seed, and were planted into lots of soil. The seeds then need sunshine and water to grow even bigger!

The children looked at lots of different types of seeds on a tuff tray, and tried to guess what they would grow into. This was tricky as the seeds do not look like the food or flowers they become once they have grown! The smallest seeds become lettuces, the large flat seeds become courgettes, the round orange seeds become peppers and the round green seeds become sugar snap peas. In the middle there were large round seeds, called bulbs (not onions!) I shared with Nursery that these become Daffodils and this is what we are planting in our growing area.

Everyone had a turn to scoop soil into a large pot, and then plant a bulb into the soil to making sure it was nice and covered. Once everyone in our class has planted a bulb, we will water them and hope to see some beautiful flowers growing soon!

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