In our geography lessons, we have been learning about the countries of the United Kingdom. We have learned about England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and have been able to use atlases to help us locate their capital cities on a map. We also learned some interesting facts about each of these countries, such as their national dishes, animals and flowers.

We have recently been learning about compass directions, and have been able to describe where some towns and cities are, on a map, using these. We’ve even started to understand the compass directions between North, East, South and West and we now know that London is located in the southeast of England. We then completed an activity, which challenged us to use these directions to plot different symbols within a grid.

As a warm up for PE (before the rain came), we played a game involving these directions too! On the roof, we learnt that St James’s Church is positioned south of our school, so the points were added to the appropriate areas. We had a race, travelling in different ways, to get to the point that was called! We ran, skipped, side-stepped and jumped and had a great time whilst doing it!

11 comments on “Using Compass Directions in Geography

  1. Graceanne y6 says:

    I loved to learn how to use a compass and I see you guys love it too.

  2. Michelle Walsh says:

    This sounds like so much fun and I can’t wait to hear more about it xx

  3. Alexandra Y2 says:

    I loved this geography game. I even tried it at home. Thank you Miss Forster Adams.

  4. I loved that lesson. Now I know where north, east, south and west are.

  5. Sam’s Mummy says:

    Looks like so much fun and what a great way to learn directions!!

  6. Angela Teixeira says:

    So many happy faces! Directions is a skill for life and making fun while learning it is great!

  7. I loved to learn about the directions like North East South and West.
    And I liked playing the game when we had to run to the right direction.
    But in Year 1, we learned some of it, so it was a bit easy and fun!

  8. Wow year 2! This looks like such a fun way to learn all about compasses! I bet you all really enjoyed this lesson!

  9. That was a very fun lesson

  10. Alexander Y2 says:

    This was such fun! I really can’t wait to learn more about directions in Geography.

  11. I remember doing that and it was so fun!

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