Today was the final session for our  Wallace Collection Museum Ambassadors. The Year 5 & 6 pupils presented their work this term and shared their fabulous zine. We are really excited that this is going to be produced and given as a gift to every child in the school! 


Below are some comments about their favourite memories from the project:

Lowry: I enjoyed the parts when we went around the museum because it was really fun to see all the different treasures.

Louise: I enjoyed exploring the collection because I got to know some secrets as well as some facts!

Aluna: Copying the painting with primary colours, it was fun and I like to draw.

Zoe: I enjoyed drawing and colouring the painting. Art is one of my favourite hobbies.

Sebastian: When me and Jay put together everyone paintings on one zine page-we put everyone’s ideas into one picture.

Julian: I enjoyed designing the background the most, it gave me a chance to create a semi-abstract unique piece of artwork.

Jay: When we discovered the building with our groups.

Constance : Making the zine because we got to try different things and use different objects to make it.

Grace: I enjoyed when we split up in groups to find out information and work together.



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