This afternoon we went into the Sayers Croft woods for a fun, activity filled walk. We wanted to use our senses as much as possible to explore the woods in a different way.

We started by using a mirror to find out how a mouse or a hawk sees things. It was a very different way to see the world and we noticed a lot much!

Then we walked further into the woods and played a game. We were given a card with adjectives and had to find two items in the woods that matched the description. We then showed the items and our friends had to guess the words. We then collected lots of items to show all the colours in the woods.

We walked to another area and got to know the trees really well! We were blindfolded and our partner took us to a tree and we had to feel it. They then took us back and took the blindfold off and we had to find the same tree! Some of us found it easier than others to find the same tree again!

Then we walked further and sat by the stream. Here we did a sound trail and had to sit silently to see what we could hear. We were amazed to hear all the different bird songs so loudly.

When we came back to the dorm, it was time for a swim. Everyone went swimming because it was so hot today! After our showers, we had some time to play in the field as it got a bit cooler before doing some orienteering

After dinner was the campfire. We were impressed that the teachers managed to build the fire while we were finding sticks for our marshmallows! Roasting the marshmallows made them delicious!

We’re off to bed now and everyone is needing another good sleep tonight!

10 comments on “Wednesday afternoon in Sayers Croft

  1. Simona Rekkas says:

    It looks fantastic. It’s wonderful to see everyone so happy!

  2. Sophie’ family says:

    Thank you for sharing these memorable pictures. These are such exciting and fun activities to do on 31 degrees night. We are so jealous!

  3. Sophia Maria‘s family says:

    I hope you enjoyed your marshmallows! Have a lovely day!

  4. Phillyppe Y3 says:

    What an amazing adventure! Missing you all.

  5. Lauren laffoley says:

    Magical memories, lovely to see the photos. Have a great day today!

  6. Sophia Maria’s grandparents from Austria says:

    Great photos,I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun!
    Greetings from Austria

  7. Miss Coleman says:

    What a fabulous experience! I love that you were singing some of assembly favourites round the camp fire.

  8. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This night camp with the fire in middle reminds me of an adventure story that I have read. So much fun year 6!

  9. The campfire looks like so much fun. The activities you did look fantastic, I can’t wait to go there.

  10. Alexandra Y3 says:

    I want to know whether you’ll made your own fire 🔥? It looks cool!

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