A wonderful first week in school was had by all.

Wow, we almost can’t believe that the first week has already come to a close. You of course know what they say about time flying when you are having fun, this also applies to learning in school.

As always the first week back in school was jam packed with new and exciting things. This week, not only did we meet our new teacher Mr. Sheehan, we also trekked all the way up to the third floor to our new classroom. That’s a whole lot of stairs that we now need to climb but it’s worth it because we are rewarded with lots of natural light and a view of St. James Church. That and we’re only a few short steps away from the roof playground where we will be for both morning and afternoon play.

In class, we spent a lot of time getting to grips with our new rules and routines. Of course the usual school and classroom rules apply but we also worked together as a class to create our own “Golden Rules” which we proudly hung on the wall. In addition to this we got used to sitting in our new colour coded groups whereby we are challenged to show our best behaviours and will then be duly rewarded with stars to put in our jar. The group with the most stars at the end of the week will then receive a reward the following Monday. (Well done to the Purple Group for winning the first ever “Star Jar” competition.)

Having settled into class we then turned our attention to our first lessons of the year. In Geography we learned all about our place in the world, more specifically Marylebone, whereby we looked at an aerial photograph of the school and surrounding streets. We worked together in creating a key that helped us to better understand the features on the map. In RE during our Catholic Social Teaching lesson we learned all about ways in which we can better look after the beautiful planet that we call home. Our lesson was inspired by the work of Greta Thunberg. We then took a look an in depth look at UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and learned all about that ways in which we need to work together in promoting equality and in supporting each other’s rights. We choose several articles from the UN convention that best represented our class and they now form the foundation of our class charter. Finally, we rounded off the week with a fantastic music lesson with Mr. Hylton whereby we each had a drum and played along to the beat.

In short, it’s been a fantastic week. We got off to a great start and I look forward to the year ahead.

See below for some pictures that we took this week. You will see us holding the “First Day of School” medals that we created. We got a little creative with our poses in the photos. Enjoy!

11 comments on “Welcome Back to School and to Year 2!

  1. I loved my first week of school! I had so much fun with my new teacher. I’m excited for the next week of school. 📝

  2. Isabella Y2 says:

    I loved my first week of school with Mr. Sheehan.
    He is such a nice teacher and I love him so much.
    He is so kind.

  3. I loved my first week back at school. I had a great time with Mr Sheehan. I especially liked pulling funny faces with our new badges. 😎

  4. I was very excited to see my friends and my new teacher after the holidays!!! I think we all are going to have a great time at school!

  5. I love 😍🥰 being in Year 2! It is so much fun, I can’t wait to learn all the exciting topics!😄😇

  6. I loved my first week back. I enjoyed seeing my friends and meeting my new teacher 😎

  7. I loved the first day of school. I am so excited to learn about The Great Fire of London. I really enjoyed catching up with all of my friends!

  8. I have loved being with my new teacher 👨‍🏫. I am so excited for this school year with Mr Sheehan because he is so fun.

  9. I love being in year 2 with Mr Sheehan and i am excited to learn more about the great fire of London.

  10. Your first week back in year 2 looks soooo much fun! Mr Sheehan looks like a very fun teacher.

  11. I loved the first day because Mr.Sheehan was really kind. We did lots of
    activities. Isabelle

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