Everyone in Nursery has now had their first day of school, and everyone is settling in so well!

It is lovely to have such a fun and busy classroom now everyone is at St Vincent’s. We have enjoyed beginning all of our activities and making so many new friends.

Some of our class have brothers and sisters in the school, and those children started school last week. Most of the class are new friends and families to our school, so we have been welcoming many new faces to St Vincent’s. This has been so lovely to get to know each other, and watch them begin their school journey.

Over the past two weeks we have been doing many different activities and settling into life at St Vincent’s.

We have visited the Library:

We had our first whole class snack time:

And most importantly we have had lots of fun playing with our friends!


We are looking forward to what is yet to come this year, and all of the fun memories we will make with our friends.

One comment on “Welcome to Nursery!

  1. Florence Y4🧇 says:

    Welcome to St. Vincent’s Nursery! I hope you had a wonderful first day!

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