Today was World Book Day, this years theme was ‘read your way’ this is something which we try very hard to celebrate in Year 1 as we aim to promote reading for pleasure and a true love of reading! The children are lovers of both reading and dressing up so this day was perfect for Year 1!
We started off our day by dropping everything and reading, this is a lovely opportunity for the children to find a book of their choice and a space where they feel comfy and relaxed and read! The children love our class book corner and were able to find a wide variety of different texts. We then headed to assembly where we got to do a parade to show off our costumes and discovered the staff’s theme. We even had our own Cat in the Hat in class!
Next we created missing moon posters which falls in line with our English topic, we are currently reading Sidney, Stella and the Moon which the children are absolutely loving. W have read the book and today created our posters which turned out amazing. We were then very lucky to have the fabulous Miss Forster Adams come and read to us. It was lovely to hear another teacher read and Miss Forster Adams read with excitement and emotion which everyone enjoyed!
After lunch we had a music lesson with Mr Hilton, this lesson allowed us to look at storytelling through music. The children were able to create sounds with instruments which aligned with the words in the story. We also created name bookmarks in the afternoon and then had the pleasure of welcoming our parents and family members in for a reading session. We sat and read our favourite books and had lots of great discussions about reading.
Well done Year 1 you looked amazing and you worked so hard today, you already have such a fabulous love of reading and we hope today encouraged you to read even more!
I loved coming to read to you, Year 1! Thank you so much for having me, you were the perfect audience. You listened so beautifully. Thank you to Miss McCarry and Mrs Hope for having me too!