This week we celebrated our love of reading at St. Vincent’s during World Book Day!

Year 4 visited Daunt Bookshop in Marylebone High Street on Tuesday to choose a book to exchange for their World Book Day token. There was such a great selection of books to choose from with the favourite seeming to be ‘The Fart That Broke World Book Day’. Thank you to the parent volunteers who came with us to help out. Once we got back to school, we had some silent reading to enjoy our new books.

Thursday was the main event and it was so exciting to find out this year’s theme for the teachers which was the amazing author: Dr Seuss. The day began with a whole school assembly where Miss Foster-Adams introduced World Book Day and the wonderful benefits of reading. We then had a parade to show off our wonderful costumes in front of the whole school.

In class, we did some learning partner editing of our recently written bewitching sweet poems. This involved reading our partner’s work and giving them positive feedback on how they could improve their writing. We then applied our changes and look forward to performing some of them in front of the class. After break, we had a special storytelling music lesson with My Hylton in which we composed a rhythm circle alongside reading a chapter of the Iron Man. We had to think carefully about the words and dialogue and play our instruments to match what we think it would sound like. Before lunch, we explored the poem ‘Oh, All The Places You’ll Go’ and started to learn our stanza’s and put actions to the words as we will be creating a whole school video of the poem.

After lunch, we got creative as we created our own reading mood board. This involved thinking about what we loved most about reading, how it made us feel, the best places we love to read, the types of books that we enjoy and how we like to read. Lots of us had great ideas and started to create our reading mood boards to reflect how we love to read best. They weren’t quite finished so we got to take them home to complete them. Lastly, it was time to have our whole school family reading session. It was great to see lots of parents and children, all enjoying reading together in the classroom.

We ended our day by watching a storytelling performance of a book called ‘The Magician’s Hat’. It was a fantastic book that left us all amazed at the magician’s tricks.

Thank you Miss Forster-Adams for organising such a brilliant World Book Day for us!

What was your favourite part of World Book Day?

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