Today we celebrated World Book Day!

We always love World Book Day as it’s a chance for us to dress-up as one of our favourite characters and engage in all-things reading! We started off the day by sharing with our class who/what we’d dressed up as and then headed downstairs for an assembly. We learned a little more about what World Book Day is about and ways in which we can further develop our love of reading. We know that there are lots of different types of stories and books, and we should ensure to speak to parents and teachers about the type of books we are interested in reading so that our passion for reading continues.

We were able to guess the theme of our teachers… Dr Seuss! A child from Year 2 explained that he was a clever author that made up lots of funny stories such as the Cat in the Hat, The Grinch and Horton Hears a Who! After this, it was time for the parade! We shared our costumes with the rest of the school and enjoyed the opportunity to see what others’ wore.

After we came back to class, we had two options: a Footy and Booky Quiz or quiet reading. Lots of us enjoyed the opportunity to share our knowledge and enthusiasm for football but also engage in a range of questions about reading too. Later on in the day, Ms Drury came to read with us! We have all been given our own copy of Holes and are looking forward to learning more about this in our English lessons next week. Ms Drury started reading some chapters to us but lots of us actually wanted to read aloud! Ms Drury was really impressed with our reading and most of us wanted to read this book for the rest of the day.

This week, as part of our World Book Day celebrations, we’re going to be recording a whole-class poem. We read through the poem today and found out our parts. We split into groups and practiced our lines, using the tips and tricks that we’d learned with Adam a few weeks ago. Some of us came up with some great actions and were so enthusiastic about it – we can’t wait to record it! Before lunch, we went back to our learning on Hugo Cabret and finished off our writing and proof-read and edited our work with our partners.

We also enjoyed a special story-telling music lesson with Mr Hylton. We had a short debate about a film compared to the book where we watched a clip from the Invention of Hugo Cabret, where we meet Uncle Claude. This is the part of the book we’ve been looking at this week, and we spoke about differences and similarities that we noticed between the film and the narrative. Some of us preferred the description in the text, as it felt more genuine and realistic, whereas others preferred the sound effects that we could hear in the film. After this, we looked forward to welcoming our family members to our class for some family reading! Some of us were also able to go and collect our siblings from around the school to come and join us too. Thank you so much to the family members who were able to join us today.

What was your favourite thing about today’s celebrations?

2 comments on “World Book Day in Year 5!

  1. Moses y5 says:

    It was so fun I loved when we did the football quiz and also some who didn’t want to do quiz you could read

  2. Sibylle y5 says:

    World book day is one of my favorite days in the year. This year’s theme Dr Seuss was so funny.

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