Year 6 have had a great day, celebrating their love of reading during St Vincent’s Book Day! Everyone  dressed up as their favourite book character and we started the day showing off our wonderful costumes at the whole school assembly.

Back in the classroom, we took part in an exciting nationwide Word Book Day live assembly. We learned more about categorising books into genres and thought about the genres of books that we enjoy reading most.

Next, we had a teacher swap and, while Miss Siswick (the Grinch!) went to read to Year 2, Mr Sheehan came to read us ‘The Lorax’ which was his Dr Seuss character for the day.

Once the kind Lorax had gone back to Year 2 and the mean old Grinch had come back, we read ‘Oh the Places You’ll Go’, also by Dr Seuss, and started learning our part for the special whole school film we are making until  it was time for a special Dr Seuss themed lunch.

In the afternoon, we had some quiet reading time and then went to a special Book Day themed music lesson with Mr Hylton, where we had a great time using the percussion instruments linked to a story.

We ended the day with a whole school reading session. Some of us read independently, some with our siblings and some with our parents. It was so lovely to have visitors to the classroom. Thank you for coming to read with us today.

Don’t forget to go to our Reading Blog to tell us why you love reading and  to recommend books that you  have enjoyed to other children in the class.  

Happy Book Day, everyone!

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