Today we celebrated the end of our World Week with our special assembly celebrating the rich diversity of languages, countries and cultures of everyone at St Vincent’s.

We all live in Great Britain but our families and friends come from all over the world.

We all speak English at school but many of us speak other languages at home.

All of the children in our school were invited to represent their heritage countries in our assembly today. We are thrilled that  more than a quarter of the school have chosen to take part. They are  representing 24 different countries spread over five continents of the world. 

Every child in the school also took part in performing a very special St. Vincent’s School poem written especially for today by Adam Isdale, who has been working with of all of the classes to prepare them for this performance. We hope you enjoy it. 

We hope that you enjoy our assembly! Well done to everyone who performed!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

3 comments on “World Week: Cultural Assembly

  1. It was such a fun day and so fun that we could dress up as your heritage country

  2. I loved doing the poem it was so fun!😀

  3. Madeleine Y5😜 says:

    It was an amazing day. I really love international day and I can’t wait for next year, it’s going to be so fun!

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