Today is Safer Internet Day!

This is a day that lots of schools and companies around the world have a chance to think and talk about ways to stay safe online. This year’s theme is:

We all love to use the internet and it has so many uses! We can play games, learn new things, talk to others, watch videos and listen to music. It is always changing and developing and so it is important to keep learning how to stay safe.

In our special assemblies today, we read the story ‘Ruby finds a worry‘ by Tom Percival which is all about someone who has a worry and doesn’t talk about it, instead she worries about her worry. This makes the worry grow and grow. Eventually she talks to someone about it and the worry shrinks away. It was useful to remember that if ever we are worried about something online or see something we don’t like, we need to talk to a grown up about it. 

We talked about reasons why we might not talk about our worry. These included being embarrassed by it, scared of getting into trouble, having our device taken away as a consequence, thinking the adult wouldn’t be able to help or because we had done something that we had already been told not to. It was good to talk through that even though it would be scary to talk about it, it would help the worrying feeling go away. 

The UK Safer Internet Centre has lots of tips for parents and carers and for children to help you if you see something you don’t like online.

The most important way to stay safe is to keep having conversations with your family about what everyone does online. These are fun and different ways to start a conversation about children’s favourite things to do online:

  • Talk with your child about an app they’d like to recommend to a friend and why.

  • Have a discussions about whether these things better with technology or without?

If you have any concerns about online safety, please come and see your class teacher or speak to Miss Coleman or Miss Carruthers. It is so important to keep talking about how to keep everyone safe online.

What did you learn in your classes for Safer Internet Day?

3 comments on “World Week: Safer Internet Day

  1. Graceanne y6 says:

    This is a day that lots of schools and companies around the world have a chance to think and talk about ways to stay safe online.
    I found it really interesting and it was a good reminder of how we can keep safe online .

  2. Gabriella Y6 says:

    During safer internet day I learnt that we all should tell a trusted adult even when we are worried,scared or frightened to tell.I also learnt that when you don’t talk about your worry to someone it can make you fell really upset and you would stop doing the things that you really enjoy most, just like in the book Ruby kept her worry inside her ans she stopped doing the things she enjoyed most but then when she spoke about it to a boy she felt happy.

  3. Margaux Year 4 says:

    I learned that we can tell a trusted adult when we feel worried because if you don’t, your worry won’t go away.😁

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