We have been taking our writing outside! We have been working hard to embed our phonics learning of initial sounds and to support fine motor skills by writing using different tools. Nursery really enjoyed taking their Literacy learning outside, and using paint brushes to mark make.

The children watched as I demonstrated how to form three of the letters we have learnt in our phonics lessons. The children were able to trace the letters on the tuff tray, using water on their paintbrushes to wash away the letters as they went. Everyone worked together to trace the ‘big letter’ in middle, and talked about what words they knew that began with the letters s, a or t!

Everyone worked well to hold their paintbrush between their fingers and thumb, to practice a tripod pencil grip. Nursery are doing well to strengthen their hand muscles, to be ready for their writing in Reception!

One comment on “Literacy: Writing in Nursery!

  1. Good job Nursery! Looks like you had so much fun writing!

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