What an amazing job you all did with your optional homework projects on the landmarks of London! It was so exciting to see how each of you brought these famous places to life with your creativity and hard work.

From the towering London Eye to the historic Tower of London, you all showed fantastic knowledge and imagination. Some of you even included fun facts and stories about these landmarks that I hadn’t heard before! It was clear that you put a lot of effort into researching and creating your projects, whether you made models, drawings, or posters.

I was so impressed by the variety of ways you presented your landmarks. Some of you used brilliant colours, while others made detailed 3D models that really captured the essence of the landmarks. It was wonderful to see how each project was unique and reflected your own style.

We also had some great discussions about the importance of these landmarks in London’s history. It was fun to hear what you all learned and see how excited you were to share your knowledge with the class.

Keep up the fantastic work – I’m so proud of how you all tackled this project! Well done, everyone!

One comment on “Year 2: End of Term Projects

  1. It was fun making my project. I made the monument. I liked how it turned out and everyone elses were also good.

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