This week in class, our students have truly excelled across the board! In Maths, they’ve been working hard on mastering the column addition method, and I am so proud of their progress. Each student has shown great determination and improvement, and their ability to add large numbers with ease is impressive.

In English, we dove into the Hotel Flamingo book and explored it from different angles. Students responded to the text in creative ways, whether through writing, drawing, or discussion. It was fantastic to see their unique interpretations of the story and the depth of their thinking.

Our PE lessons continued to focus on the fundamentals of movement and game. The children have been practicing a variety of skills, from balance and coordination to agility and strength. We put our skills into play through various whole class games.

We also celebrated Wear it Wild day, where our students dressed as their favourite animals to raise money for charity. It was a fun and vibrant day!

Overall, it’s been a week filled with hard work, creativity, and kindness. Well done, everyone! Keep up the amazing work!

3 comments on “Year 2 Update

  1. I loved wear it wild day.🦇🦇Especially when I did the assembly for wild day.❤️💙💚

  2. I loved Wear It Wild day because we wear like animal and we had so much fun.👍👍👍

  3. Kiyan yearwood says:

    I had so much fun at wild day because we dressed as animals 🦁🐯🦍

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