Another whirlwind week has come to a close here at St. Vincent’s and year 2 are most definitely ready for the weekend – here’s hoping that the fabulous weather holds and we get one last chance to enjoy the great outdoors before the temperature drops. Thankfully we had ample time to enjoy the sunny weather during PE and play time, we were even more grateful for our water bottles because we were totally parched.

Our week has been filled to the rafters with new and exciting lessons and we even had the chance to watch the Year 6 assembly where we learned all about their trip to Sayers Croft and the evacuation of children from London during the war. We’ve started planning and practicing for our own assembly. The theme will be the Great Fire of London and we have a real treat in store for you all. So watch this space!

In English class this week we learned all about expanded noun phrases and put them to great use in writing our own stories. These stories were based on the book “Katie in London” and were written from Katie’s point of view. We can’t wait to share our amazing stories with you all.

In Maths this week we did a whole lot of counting, grouping and adding 2s, 5s, and 10s. We even learned a new song called the “Big Number Song” which went all the way to one billion!

In History this week we continued our exploration of the Great Fire of London. Here we looked at what happened over a five day period, from the start of the fire all the way through to London laying in ruins. What an interesting story! Did you know that it took 40 years for St. Paul’s cathedral to be rebuilt?

I hope that you have a fabulous weekend ahead and look forward to kicking things off again on Monday.

Secret Challenge 1:  Comment below with one thing that you learned this week about the Great Fire of London!

Secret Challenge 2: In the text above you will find 17 letters in bold and underlined (here is an example t.) Can you find the letters and figure out what words they spell out? Comment below.

8 comments on “Year 2, Week 3 Round-up

  1. Nika Shrestha says:

    Challenge 1: I have learned this week that Great Fire of London started from a small stark in a bakery in Pudding Lane when people were sleep
    Challenge 2: Great Fire Of London

  2. Challenge 1- this week I have learned the fire🔥 lasted for five days.
    Challenge 2 – Great Fire of London

  3. Challenge 1 – this week I have learned the fire🔥lasted for five days.

    Challenge 2 – Great Fire Of London

  4. Challenge 1: It started in 6166. The baker left the house without switching off the oven.
    Challenge 2: Great fire of London.

  5. Challenge 1- This week I have learned the fire🔥lasted for five days.
    Challenge 2 – Great Fire Of London

  6. Challenge 1: The fire started in a bakery on Pudding Lane in 1666. The fire lasted for four days – from September 2 to September 5. 🧔‍♂️

    Challenge 2: Great Fire of London 🔥

  7. 1. I have learnt that people used leather buckets and water sprayers that only shoot
    one spray of water to put out the fire.
    2.Great Fire of London.

  8. Challenge 1
    The fire spread quickly because the houses were close together and it was made of wood and straw so it burnt easily.

    Challenge 2
    great Fire of London

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