Well done Year 3 for another brilliant week of remote learning, it has been great to see all of your work and how engaged you are with all of our lessons.
English this week has been very exciting, we have started our new class text of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We have written our own descriptions of Iron Man using the text to help up. See some of Year 3’s work below.
In Religious Education, we have started our new topic of Eucharist. We looked at the importance of listening and sharing. The children thought about a time that they didn’t listen carefully and what the consequences were of this. We also looked at the importance of sharing, especially during this challenging time. Some of the people who are setting a good example of this are the people who run and donate to local food banks. We created posters that highlight the importance of food banks and encouraging people to get involved. See some of our posters below.
Keep up the brilliant work Year 3, I am very proud of you all! 😊