Today Year 3 celebrated their First Holy Communion Mass with our whole school family at St. James’ Church.

It was a beautiful service to celebrate the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul and the special Sacrament that many of the children in Year 3 made in May. The children led the readings and the prayers for everyone at Mass for the first time today and then received Holy Communion alongside the older children. Many of the children who had made their First Holy Communion at St. James’ were given a certificate to commemorate this occasion.

Afterwards lots of parents joined us for a tea of scones and squash! All of the children celebrating today also received their own Good News Bible to keep with a special message inside from Psalm 139:

‘You are a child of God. You are wonderfully made, dearly loved in precious in His sight. Before God made you, He knew you. There is no one else like you.’ 

Well done everyone for how beautifully you read and for taking part in the Mass today. 

Thank you to all of the parents that joined us and the children and catechists for their hard work to prepare for this Sacrament.

14 comments on “Year 3’s First Holy Communion Mass

  1. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    I had a lovely day. The mass was so beautiful and the choir was amazing! Thank you for my personal Bible. I will cherish it forever.
    Thank you Mr. Kersys, Mr. Hylton, cathecists and all my teachers for guiding me in my holy communion journey.

  2. Miss Walsh says:

    Congratulations, Year 3 on the celebration of your First Holy Communion! What a special time for you all. I hope you all enjoyed the Mass and tea party afterwards with your teachers and family x

  3. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    Thank you Miss Walsh.

  4. genesis y2 says:

    Well done Year 3 for celebrating your First Holy Communion. I can not wait for next year as this would be us!

  5. Hollirose says:

    Congrats Year 3. You all dressed up very smart and I hope you enjoyed the celebration.

  6. Gabriel ✨ says:

    It was wonderful! Everybody was wearing really lovely clothes and thank you so much for my very own Bible! At the end, the tea party was amazing and the scones were the BEST!!!

  7. Adelaide says:

    I loved the body of Christ and I love the Bible. Thank you so much for the food and the Bible.

  8. The Mass was so fun. Going up to receive holy communion was so fun and the scones were delicious! 😊

  9. charles year 3 says:

    I really liked that day. I liked the tea party. Thank you for the Bibles .

  10. It was fantastic to do the readings at Mass. It was all so very nice that they made for us the scones.

  11. It was so fun. I love the Bible.

  12. It was awesome.

  13. Victoire Year 3 ´◡` says:

    Thank you for my beautiful Bible and I loved celebrating together

  14. Hermine Year 3 says:

    I really enjoyed the Mass. It was very nice to wear our First Holy Communion clothes in school. The scones and the juice were really good ! Thank you to all the teachers for organising it. Thank you especially to Ms Viera and Mrs Kidd for preparing the scones and the juice ! 😃👍😊

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