This half term in Science, we are exploring the topic of States of Matter and this week, we got to conduct a very fun experiment all about looking at how long it takes a solid to change state once it is heated. We began by recapping the different states of matter we have already learnt about previously which were solids, liquids and gases.

We know that these changes of states are reversible meaning that a liquid can be turned back into a solid (freezing) and a gas can be turned back into a liquid (condensation). Our experiment aim was to see how long it took different types of chocolate to melt from a solid into a liquid. 

We began exploring about the three different types of chocolate which are milk, dark and white chocolate. These are created by a different mix of ingredients such cocoa beans and milk and this mix of ingredients can either make the chocolate have a higher or lower melting point. We started by making a prediction about each type of chocolate and what time it would melt in. We then had to be sure it was a fair test by weighing out the same amount of each type of chocolate and putting them in a foil tray.  The trays then got put into the pre-filled hot water trays (our adults in the room did this so that it was safe) and we then got our timers ready so we could be sure that they would start all at the same time. 

We observed carefully until we started to see signs of melting from each type of chocolate. Once we were sure there were some signs, we then used a spoon to see if we can start to mix the liquid to see if it was fully melted. Once we were happy it was, we then stopped the timer and recorded our timings on our results sheets. 

Lastly, we had to write up our experiment and see if our predictions were correct or not! The results were very interesting!

Well done Year 4 on conducting another science experiment! 

What material or solid would you like to try next time?


One comment on “Conducting A Melting Chocolate Experiment In Science

  1. Alexandra Y4 🥰😍❤ says:

    I would like to try metal to see at what point ( degree of heat) it starts to melt or change shape.
    I enjoyed the science experiment and would like to do more experiments like this. Thank you Mr. Garnet for organising.

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