Year 4 went on an exciting trip to explore the beautiful Epping Forest over in Essex. We had to arrive at school very early so that we could get on our coach and head out towards Epping Forest. 

After arriving, we headed out into the vast woodland area and went on a nature trail. Our task was to find as many different colours of the rainbow within nature and record it on our pieces of card with double sided tape so that the items could stick to the card. We managed to find lots of different colours after looking carefully within the bushes and flowering areas. Next, we headed deeper into the woods and found an exciting secluded area to do some art sketching into our books. We were looking to sketch some of the nature around us and write a short poem using our senses to record what we could hear, see, smell and touch. We even found some time to play some fun team games together before heading back to the visitor’s centre to eat our lunch on the grass as it was such a glorious day. 

In the afternoon, we got to take part in an orienteering workshop that tested our map and direction skills. We met Olivia and Sam who were our instructors and they explained our task to us before giving us some extra tips on how to navigate the map especially using a compass to check that we are heading in the right direction. We then headed out in small groups to try and visit all the different locations so that we get all the clues to answer the questions on our worksheets. This task was even harder as we only had 1 hour to complete it. 

After all that walking and exploring, we were all very tired and we then got back on the coach to head back to school.

Thank you to the SVPA for funding our trip and to Mrs Duffy, Mrs Hope, Miss C and all of the parent volunteers who accompanied us on our trip! Also thank you to Miss Carruthers for organising this amazing trip for us!  

Year 4, what was your favourite part of the trip to Epping Forest?

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