This week, we had a brilliant day out at the Floating Classroom on Regents canal where we took part in a workshop called ‘It’s Alive!’ To support our Science module, ‘Living Things and their Habitats’, we learned about the variety of birds that live in and around the canal.

We began inside the boat with an introduction to the canal environment before our boat set off and we spent time on deck identifying water birds on the canal. Matching the birds we saw with pictures of birds we were given meant we could analyse and debate the features we could see. Back inside the boat, we learned about the birds we had seen through a series of interactive activities which introduced us to the adaptations of water birds. It was interesting to learn that the different shapes and sizes of birds’ beaks is because of their diet!

We considered other animals we might find living on, in or near the canal, as well as their habitats, discussing also whether they can be considered predators or prey. We then undertook a classification activity using birds from around the canal, and expanded this into creating a classification chart. We had a lot of fun playing games that made us think carefully about the features of animals.

The boat took us down the canal as we took part in the workshop starting from Paddington and taking us as far as Camden before we headed back to the starting point. We were so lucky to have great weather for most of the day – a couple of light showers around lunchtime meant we had to eat our lunches inside but this didn’t dampen our spirits. We had a lovely day out and learned a lot about wildlife on the canal!


11 comments on “Year 5 in the Floating Classroom

  1. Alexandra Y3 says:

    You all are having fun! That’s what makes our school trips special. We learn and have fun! Nice pictures Y5!

  2. Sebastian y5 says:

    I. Loved it I hope all the other classes enjoyed it as much as I did!

  3. I enjoyed our trip.

  4. It is probably the best trip ever

  5. James Year 5 😜😀😁😄 says:

    I loved the trip.
    I had fun on the boat.
    I enjoyed playing the guessing game and learning science throughout the trip aswell

  6. This was a really fun trip. I had a really good time on the boat. We were really lucky to have been on this trip as it is such an advantage of being able to go on a science trip on a BOAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have already been on many boats but it was probably the first time in my life going on this type of boat! I loved trying on the ducks feet. Thank you Mr. Aitken and SVPA for organising a lovely trip.💖

  7. I found that the floating classroom was an oppurtunity for year 5 to learn about animals that we don’t know about and how they live their lives.

  8. I really enjoyed being on a Boat and learning fun facts about birds and their habitats. It was a really good experience.😁😊

  9. I loved going to the Floating classroom because I got to learn about lots of different birds and me and my friends love birds.

  10. I loved it! And because I was an expert at birds, I got to move up the rainbow twice. I also knew all the birds that we were looking for.

  11. Alda Year 3 ! says:

    I hope you had FUN ! Birds are lovely I agree . When I went to the floating classroom it was great!

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