For our end of year trip this year we managed to get tickets to see the West End performance of Lion King! We are so lucky to have world class theatre on our doorstep and on Wednesdays, Lion King offers matinees which start at 2.30pm. We had a bit of trouble reaching the venue because of heavy traffic but fortunately we gave ourselves enough leeway ensuring we made it to the theatre on time.

The show was amazing and we loved every second of it! The actors were incredible and the costumes, lighting, special effects and scenery were breath taking in every scene. We’ll be singing those famous songs to ourselves all summer long!

Thank you so much to the PTA who funded this incredible experience!

2 comments on “Year 5’s Trip to see Lion King!

  1. Daisy💙 says:

    This trip was amazing, I loved it soooo much.I hope everyone else has a great last trip too!!!😁

  2. Tomi Year 5🥶 says:

    Amazing Acting and Lines definitely 11 out of 10

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