Year 6 were proud to present the first class assembly of the year.

It was wonderful to hear about the fun they had in Sayers Croft and how different it would have been when it was used during World War II. They shared lots of information about life during the war and why children were evacuated. Well done Year 6 for your excellent singing and performance.

We hope you enjoy watching the assembly. Well done Year 6!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

We hope you enjoy the film of the highlights of our time at Sayers Croft as well. We had a great time as you will see!

18 comments on “Year 6 Asssembly

  1. valentina y6 says:

    we were good!!!!

  2. JULIET YEAR6 says:


  3. the assembly was one of the best i ever acted in

  4. Erietta year 6 :) says:

    It was fun even though i was a MUM!

  5. We definitely had a great time at Sayers Croft and I really enjoyed practising this assembly!

  6. in the film i was an evacuee

  7. The assembly was so fun to do! I looked like I was going to be sold with my label

  8. I enjoyed Sayers croft so much I wish we could go there again.

  9. Jaidee year 6 says:

    I enjoyed preforming in front of the whole school and loved singing The White Cliffs Of Dover.

  10. julia year 6 says:

    It was so fun yayyyyyyyyy !
    Can not wait to learn more about world war 2 .

  11. Sebastian y6 says:

    I loved being in the world war two assembly! it was great and I had a fantastic time.

  12. I loved doing this assembly. It was so fun! My favourite parts was watching the video at the end and the singing. I also loved doing the play with the evacuees.

  13. Doing the assembly sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    fun!!! I loved the songs that we sang and loved the lines. I loved my role as a teacher with C.R and J.B!

  14. Coming back to school is not as fun as this assembly.I hope you enjoy the film.

  15. Aluna (⭑v⭑) /) says:

    I loved playing in the assembly! Being a speaker was fun but also a bit difficult to memorise the big paragraph.

  16. I enjoyed sayers croft and it was really fun doing many activities with my friends . My favourite thing was when we were allowed to play footall for hours on the field.

  17. Our assembly was sooooo much fun! The first assembly of the year started off with high standards! Being Miss Carruthers was a lot of fun ( I guess me and my fellow teachers, J. B and H.M, were probably a greater version of the actual people.) I can’t wait to do more shows in year 6.

  18. I loved acting out the assembly,

    thank you miss Siswick for your hard work!!!!!

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