After working very hard all year, this week it was finally time for the Year 6 SATs. 

There were six very challenging tests in English and Maths but Year 6 stayed calm and confident throughout.

Now the SATs are are all finished, Year 6 are very relieved but also very proud of themselves.

We celebrated with ice-lollies and some extra playtime!

Now it’s time to learn our audition pieces for the Year 6 production!

Well done, Year 6. You are absolute superstars. We are so very proud of you all.

7 comments on “Year 6 have finished their SATs!

  1. Molly♥️ says:

    Well done year 6!

  2. Well done Y6. You’re all stars🤩🌟💫

  3. You guys are so lucky to get ice lollies. I hope you enjoyed them! Well done for finishing your SATs.

  4. Alexandra Y3 😊😂⚽⚽ says:

    Great work Year 6!!!

  5. Anna Y3 😎 says:

    Congratulations Year 6 😁!!!! 🍀

  6. Mila Yr6 says:

    Finally ! It was such a pain doing all of them and I was so happy when we had finally finished them . My favourite part was the ice lollies though . They were so delicious and I wanted a million of them .

  7. I am soooooo happy to have SATs out of the way!! Thank you Miss Heally for the lollies!! they were delicious!!!

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