Westminster City Council – Implementation of Traffic Management Proposals ST. VINCENT STREET AND CRAMER STREET
After many, many years of campaigning by the school, including a tremendous petition organised by our parents, the City Council is starting works towards the pedestrianisation of St. Vincent Street. Vehicles are currently prohibited from entering St. Vincent Street from Cramer Street, by the installation of removable bollards at the junction. Having considered all of the responses received during the consultation, the City Council decided to proceed with the implementation of the measures on an experimental basis.
The removal of vehicular traffic from St. Vincent Street offers a much safer shared space environment in the local area, and will encourage sustainable active travel to and from school, for pupils and parents.
If any significant and evidenced road user conflicts arise during the first six months of the experiment, further measures will be considered to address any concerns at the review stage before permanent measures are introduced. If you wish to submit any comments on the measures , please write to tmo.westminster@wsp.com quoting reference 7286/LH in any response. The City Council will consider any responses received before deciding whether to make the measures permanent.
As a school, we are happy with these safety measures and hope they become permanent.
We are also very pleased that Westminster City Council appointed FM Conway to carry out the design and implementation of a new raised zebra crossing facility in Aybrook Street (near St. Vincent Street). The scheme involved building out the western footway of Aybrook Street (south of St. Vincent Street) and installing a raised zebra crossing facility to assist vulnerable road users accessing the adjacent St. Vincent Catholic Primary School.
The main works commenced on site on the 23rd July and were completed during the school summer holiday. We are so pleased that our journey to school will be safer. Thank you to everyone who supported our campaign.