We had just finished our warming lunch of soup and build your own sandwiches, when the rain really started!!

We sheltered in our dormitory, finishing off some map work when we heard what our next activity was going to be – shelter building! Usually they have to use a watering can to test the shelters, but not today! Today was the real life test, could we build a shelter to keep us dry during the heavy rain?!

We worked in teams and collected sticks to make our shelter. The shelter was really fun to build as we had to work together to find sticks that would fit on the outline of our shelter. We then got scored on our shelters and had to include a door that was big enough for us to get in!

Some of us chose to stay in the rain for longer and have a go at the ballista challenge. Others chose to swim seeing as they were already so wet!

The rest of us raced back to our dorms for a warm shower and a hot chocolate! We then had some time in the classroom playing games together.

After dinner, we had another visit to the tuck shop. We’re currently enjoying our treats before we go to the highlight of the week: the pyjama disco! We can’t wait to dance together on our last night at Sayers Croft!

12 comments on “A Very Soggy Afternoon

  1. Samar F Zia says:

    So happy to the kids enjoying themselves both indoors and outside.
    Can’t wait for them to return tomorrow, though.

  2. Miss Coleman says:

    Have fun at the pyjama disco!

  3. David Viana says:

    That catapult looks like great fun! Shame about the weather but it doesn’t look like it dampened their fun.

  4. It WAS really fun especially the hot chocolates,
    Thank you Ms Carruthers!!

  5. Valentina 6 says:

    The hot chocolate was so good !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Zoe & Grace says:

    Even though it was raining, we loved it because we had hot chocolate with marshmallows.

  7. The catapults that we made were so fun to use! It was a bit muddy, but still very fun.

  8. I really had fun at Sayers Croft and my most favourite bit is when me and Erietta did the blindfold trail and when we caught a axolotl.

  9. It was amazing and so much fun.

  10. I really loved the hot choclate!!!!!!

  11. It looks so nice. I can’t wait to go.

  12. I really liked the hot chocolate as well as building the shelters but we were SOAKING! Never in my life have I ever been so wet before!

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