This week Nursery have had such a fabulous week participating in Art Week!

As part of art week this week, we looked at the artist Vincent Van Gogh! We started by listening to a video of Vincent himself explaining about his life. Did you know that while he was live he only sold two paintings?! He never gave up on his dream to paint though. We then looked at some of Vincent’s famous artworks like Starry Night and in particular the painting of the sunflowers. We talked about how Vincent painted his artworks and whether the children liked the paintings. We then did our version of Vincent’s sunflower painting! We started by putting some glue in the centre of our paper and collaging some brown paper as the centre of our flower. Next we did finger print petals with yellow paint and finished by using a paint brush to draw green leaves. Our artworks looked so good!

Over the course of the whole week for Art Week, we were working on our class masterpiece! The theme for Art Week this year is ‘Our Natural World’ and we wanted to create a tree using different mediums. We started by collaging in brown tissue paper the trunk of our tree. Next we all did our handprints using different shades of green. Finally we coloured in some nice paper with different shades of red using oil pastels, as we wanted to create apples for our tree. After assembling our class tree we took a class photos, which shows how happy we are with our masterpiece! we hope you like it as much as we do!

One comment on “Art Week in Nursery!

  1. Alexandra 🥰 😍 🥰 says:

    Wow! What amazing artwork nursery! 😍

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