This week is Art week! Our whole-school theme for Art week this year is ‘Our Natural World.’ Over the week, we had the opportunity to be inspired by our wonderful world and explore our natural environment in art form.
We began Art week by exploring ‘Our Natural World’ theme. We shared lots of different vocabulary relating to our natural world including trees, plants, animals, weather, flowers and leaves. We then focused on the specific area of ‘minibeasts.’ We talked about how minibeasts are part of our natural world and shared our ideas about their habitats.
We looked at two artists; Lucy Arnold who is an American painter and Ryo Takemasa who is a Japanese illustrator. We explored their artwork and compared the differences. Lucy Arnold paints bugs and butterflies and adds lots of details, patterns and colour to her work and Ryo Takemasa illustrates simple bug designs adding block colours. We shared our ideas about what we liked about their artwork.
After exploring their work we had the chance to draw and recreate our own minibeasts inspired by the artists. We focused on adding key details to our minibeasts and thought carefully about the colours we used, making sure these matched closely to the different minibeasts in our environment. We used pencils to sketch the outline and felt tips to add colour.
In groups, we went on a minibeast hunt! We explored the outdoor garden area in the courtyard and took magnifying glasses with us. We looked for different minibeasts and spotted lots and lots of snails! We studied them carefully, looking at their colour and patterns. We also found spiders, a moth, slug, beetle and a fly!
We then got to work on our whole class art piece. We looked at our minibeast drawings and chose the minibeast design we liked best. We each sketched our chosen minibeast on special cartridge paper and added some patterns by using lines and shapes. We then used a thin paintbrush and brightly coloured poster paint to add colour to our minibeasts. We took our time, trying very hard to stay in between the lines!
After our minibeasts were dry, we added in some extra details using different coloured paint.
We are very proud of our artwork we created. We were very excited to see our finished piece framed! The class art piece will be sold in this years school auction!
Reception, which part of Art week did you enjoy the most?!
I enjoyed art week. I painted a butterfly, it was colourful. I liked the minibeast hunt, with the magnifying glasses, it was so much fun
Amazing! I love the colourful minibeasts. Well done reception! You are so talented.
I liked art week because we get to colour our own pictures. I like it when I painted because I love the way the colours are showing. I painted a slug and a butterfly . I also painted a beetle with the colourful paints.