This week we have been celebrating Enterprise Week!
We love this week because it gives us an opportunity to further understand and use our learning powers! Each class is tasked with becoming their own business, creating a product and selling it to others. To do this, we first found out that we were going to be making scoubidous. These are a French knotting craft which first became a fad in the 1950s and has remained popular. We have seen a few children around school making them previously and our teacher used to make them when she was our age!
On Monday, we had to create our company name and logo. We collated our ideas and voted on our favourites. The winner was Super Scoubis! We also decided that we are going to offer a few colour selections for our lovely clients (that quickly went out the window once we realised how long it takes to make a singular scoubi… sorry everyone but that’s how business works! Trial and error). We voted on our favourite colour combinations and then used this data to create our own tally charts and bar charts. This meant that we had to recall our learning from Year 4 to create and represent data in different ways.
To ensure that people bought our products, we did some market research. We watched two different advertisements from Lego and Haribos. We discussed the language used, the colours and the comedy. We knew that funny adverts are likely to make a lasting impact and we decided that we wanted to try and achieve this with our own advert. We filmed this with the concept of our school bags, which lots of us like to jazz up with a fun keyring (exactly what our Super Scoubis will do). We then watched all of the class’ adverts together in assembly on Wednesday and decided which products each of us would like to buy. We had to send our order forms before lunchtime so that each class knew how many products they would have to make!
We were lucky to have some amazing parents come in to speak to us this week about their jobs. We learned about the property business and what is involved with being a landlord. This helped us to understand a little bit more about what a deposit is and how it works, especially relating to homes. We also heard from a parent about working in the fashion industry, where they have to go to big companies to request permission for different designs to be printed onto different garments. Finally, we had a parent discuss sustainable development goals in terms of banking. He told us about the importance of this role, as he feels passionately about making better choices in order to protect our beautiful planet. We wanted to thank each of those parents that gave up their time to come and speak to us. It was incredibly insightful and we feel lucky to have learned so much from you!
Later in the week, we have spent a lot of time working on our scoubis. We first practiced by making our own. It took us a while to get to the hang of it but lots of us have shown great resilience and reciprocity. We have had to rely on our friends to help guide us throughout the process and have also had to be resilient, even when things feel difficult. On Wednesday we welcomed our family members to Year 5 to help us with the product making! By this point, we were experts so could help our parents and loved ones, as they learned how to tie a scoubi.
Tomorrow we will deliver our products to the other classes and we will work out the profit that we have made! We are looking forward to discussing what we could purchase with our profit. We will also reflect on the week, considering the ways in which we have used our learning powers and have showed determination to achieve.
We have loved this week and would like to thank Mr Sheehan for all of his hard work in organising it. We can’t wait to receive our orders from other classes and hope that everybody loves our Super Scoubis!
I love making the products. They were so hard to make but now I love them.
I had fun making the advert..
I can’t wait to get my products.
I am buying your SUPER SCOUBIS