Today, Green Team visited Whole Foods Market in High Street Kensington as part of the Schools to Market project. Following on from our Chutney Making masterclass, we visited the store to learn all about marketing.

We had the opportunity to look at a range of products available and  how they are presented and marketed in store.

When we arrived at the store, we were greeted by Simon who works at Whole Foods Market and the leader from the Schools to Market project. We went downstairs and talked about marketing and what this means. We met some of the sales team from Whole Foods Market and they talked to us about how products are marketed in store to attract customers.

We then got to explore the store and products available. We went to find the aisle with the chutneys. We each had a worksheet to complete with a partner where we had to answer questions all about the chutney products in store. Some of the questions included finding out information about the packaging, labelling, price and description of the products.

Finally we had some time to sit down in the café and think about our own chutney products. We explored ideas for a name for our chutney and a suitable price. We talked about the importance of salesmanship and how we could ensure our product would sell and make a profit.

Green team really enjoyed their visit to Whole Foods Market!

Green Team, what important fact did you learn about marketing today?

2 comments on “Green Team visit Whole Foods Market

  1. Alexander says:

    I enjoyed this!

  2. Charles year3 says:

    I hope Whole Foods Market was fun.

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