This half term Nursery has started their new and final topic of Minibeasts! The big questions we are focusing on for this topic are:

  • What is a minibeast?
  • Do all minibeasts fly?
  • Do all minibeasts have six legs?
  • What do minibeasts need to survive?

In writing this week we started by looking at different minibeasts. We looked at a whole range of minibeasts and discussed some interesting facts about them! Then in small groups we circled our favourite minibeasts and practised saying and writing the sounds at the start of the words.

In our Maths learning we recapped our number knowledge by listening to the Big Numbers Song! We love using our fingers to count with this song. We then looked at the numerals to 20 and practised touching the numbers as we counted. Finally we finger painted the correct number of dots onto our caterpillars (for example when it said 3 we did three dots on our caterpillar).

In Art we choose our favourite mini beasts and used oil pastels to draw them. Oil pastels can be very messy, but we used our developing fine motor skills to control the pastels. Our pictures were very colourful. We also did symmetry painting to create butterflys for our butterfly garden display!

We are loving this topic so much already and can’t wait to keep exploring this term!

What is your favourite minibeast?

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