Today Nursery had so much fun visiting Willows Farm!

We started by getting on the bus and driving about an hour to the farm. Once we arrived we were greeted by our tour guide and shown where to put our bags. After a quick snack we walked through the farm to our first activity which was milking the pretend dairy cow Daisy. We learnt that we get milk from a cow, through the udder and we have to squeeze the teet to get the milk out.

Next we went to watch a show with Peter Rabbit and Lily Bobtail. We got to get up and do some dancing to get to Mr McGregors farm for some strawberries. Once we had got them Lily made some pretend strawberry pie.

We then walked across to watch the real life cow get milked. We learnt that cows milk can be turned into butter, ice cream and cream. We also learnt that the milk comes out of the cow really hot! The cow that we watched get milk gave 15 litres of milk.

After that we did Miss Pycroft’s favourite part of the day which was the tractor ride. We got to sit in the back of a tractor and drive through the beautiful countryside. There were cows to look at and we even had to go through water! A cheeky cow was cooling down in the water so the tractor had to wait until it moved out of the way.

We then made our way back to eat our lunch and have a cool down! Everyone had delicious healthy lunches which was great to see.

After lunch we got to go and pat a guinea pig (we could even hold it on our lap if we wanted to!) and then feed some different farm animals. We fed sheep, goats and even cows that left our hands wet and slobbery.

Finally we got to have a little play with the JBL trucks driving them around before getting on the coach to come back to school. We got a special medal for being so excellent at the farm and we were so exhausted from a big fun day that many of us fell asleep on the bus back!

What was your favourite part about our day at Willows Farm?

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