This week, we have explored how dioceses and communities carry out the mission of Jesus.

We started by learning key terms like “diocese” and “bishop” before using maps to locate and identify dioceses across the country. In groups, we investigated our local diocesan website, the Diocese of Westminster. We worked  focusing on the area of their website that shared their mission. In our groups, we took it in turns to read aspects of the website, and shared our findings with our group. Our group then made notes about various aspects of the Diocese’s mission.

Our main task was to design a diocesan coat of arms. Each group reflected on themes such as interfaith, families and marriage, spreading the Good News, peace and justice, pilgrimages and vocations. We spent some time considering the symbols that we felt best reflected the mission of the Diocese and then designed our own coat of arms. After this, we explained what our symbols meant and what the Diocese do to support and encourage others.

Well done, Year 5, for your hard work and teamwork this week! Your work looks beautiful and reflects your deep understanding of what our Diocese’s mission is.

2 comments on “Religious Education: The Diocese of Westminster

  1. It was so fun and was a great experience! I loved learning about it and drawing and writing

  2. It was so fun

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