All the teachers were very pleased this morning as we had all had an excellent night’s sleep! All our activities yesterday must have really exhausted us! Thankfully we had a lovely start to the morning with the special delivery of our letters from home. We all loved reading the letters from our families and have written back to them to tell them of our favourite parts of the trip so far.

We started today in the woods making shelters. We collected sticks to make a shelter that had to keep wind, water and bear proof. The shelter was really fun to build as we had to work together as a team to find sticks that would fit on the outline of our shelter. We then got scored on our shelters and had to include a door that was big enough for us but not big enough for a bear! Miss Siswick was our bear and she didn’t manage to get into any shelter! While we were making the shelters, we also found three frogs!

We then went onto the ballista challenge. In our teams, we had to build a catapult. It was a bit challenging but we had some instructions to follow. We then launched wet balls to each other and tried to dodge them.

It was pizza for lunch which was our favourite! We’re off to walk through the woods and then have a swim in the sunshine!

8 comments on “Wednesday morning at Sayers Croft.

  1. Miss Coleman says:

    We miss you all back at school and I miss coming to visit you. I’m so pleased you’re having such a great time.

  2. Marie, it looks like you are having lots of fun from the photos. I really miss you and I can’t wait to see you. X

  3. Simona Rekkas says:

    what a great experience, it was one of the things I always did as a child with my friends. I’m jealous, I wish I could be there to do it too. Enjoy everyone looks fab!

  4. Atticus Gorman says:

    Missing you Lowry, see you soon

  5. Marisa’s Family says:

    Looks like another exciting day filled with fun activities, especially building a bear proof shelter made of sticks!

  6. It looks like you are having lots of fun. I miss you and hope you have a great day tomorrow.

  7. Constance’s family says:

    So great to follow your adventures in photos. Well done for the shelters!

  8. These pictures look very adventurous and you look like you had a lot of fun.

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