We had such a fantastic time at Broadstairs today!

Lots of us were so excited for our school trip today. We woke up very early to be at school by 7:45am! Once our register was taken it was time to leave. We chose our partners and walked around the corner to the bus. It was very comfortable and we were so lucky to have a DVD player – one of us even asked what a DVD is! We got settled and watched a film and a half on our way to the beach. Unfortunately, we got stuck in traffic on the way there but we were all still so excited.

Once we arrived at Broadstairs, it was time for lunch. We sat down on a lovely grassy area to enjoy our packed lunches. The seagulls were already ready and waiting to steal our food! A few parents helped to chase away the naughty seagulls. Once we were finished, we headed down to the beach! We had a coned area for us to stay and play in throughout the day. After we had our shoes and socks off, we could play in the sand! We got into groups to begin the sandcastle competition. Parents very kindly ran down to the sea to collect water for us for our castles. Some even found dead crabs, seaweed and shells! It was the job of the lifeguards to help choose the winners. We all tried really hard and worked well with our friends.

Then it was time to do some geography. We sat together, facing the sea, to complete a geographical enquiry. Yesterday, we had learned more about the different physical features that you see at the coast. We were faced with the question: Which physical geographical features can I see at Broadstairs? We had a list of features and had to decide which ones we could see. We decided that we could see the sea, the beach, the coast and cliffs too. Unfortunately, there were no rivers or mountains to be seen! After this, we drew our very own maps. We marked a cross where we sat, drew the sea and the cliffs (and labelled them too) and also included any human features that we could see, such as beach huts.

Next it was time for us to paddle in the sea! We sensibly walked down the beach towards the sea. Miss Carruthers and a kind parent from Year 1 were waiting for us, with a rope at the ready. We knew to be sensible and to jump over the waves. We had such a great time but we did get absolutely soaked! It took a little while for some of our yellow jackets to dry out…

It was time for us to get changed into nice, dry clothes after our paddle. As soon as we had finished, we had some time to play on the beach. We played some ‘Hot Potato’ which we have been playing to practice our throwing and catching, as well as communication skills. We played really well and tried so hard. After, we started to try to get multiple hoops around the circle, but it was time for us to go and get our ice creams!

We had to walk to the other end of the beach to get our ice creams. Once we got there, Miss Carruthers and parents delivered us our delicious ice creams. We had to be very careful of the seagulls as they were desperate to steal them from us! Some of us did get them snatched from us on our way back!

Afterwards we made our way back to our bags and got on the coach. We had such a great time and were good as gold on the bus back.

We would like to thank Miss Carruthers for organising our trip and we’d like to thank the parent volunteers that came along with us! Thank you to the SVPA for funding our trip to Broadstairs, we had a brilliant day.

16 comments on “Year 2’s Trip to Broadstairs!

  1. Sebastian y2 says:

    I loved the trip to Broadstairs my favourite part was hiding from the seagulls

  2. I loved going to Broadstairs let me tell you what happened in our trip. So first, year one and year two got on the coach / bus/ we were on our way to broadstairs beach 🏖️. YAY!!!!!! Then, we watched a DVD 📀 player.Some people even brought their own stuff like card games and everything else of course. It took three 3️⃣ hours to get there. When we finally got there we sat down in the green grass and had our lunch……but the seagulls were waiting to seal our food Ahhhhhhhh!! I had a sandwich with ham, cheese and butter.Then after we finished our food we walked over to the beach. Everyone went to the toilet 🚻.After that we went to poot our stuff down in the sand then we had a little bit of a play around. Then we got started in the sand competition!!!! I had a really good sand castle but it didn’t win Honey’s group did. Then year one 1️⃣ and year two 2️⃣ did different things year one did paddling first and year two did some geography with Miss foster adams. We did some tick ✔️ of things so basically there was a 📝 had things that you might find at a beach 🏝️ like a cliff the sea the coast and some other things to then we sketched a map of the beach. Then we switched with year one. We went paddling the water was freezing 🥶.I fell on to my knees.Then we played hot potato. IT WAS TIME TO GO AND GET SOME ICE CREAM!!!!!!!! The seagulls were trying to steel our ice creams. We found a secret spot to hide from the seagulls so the will not get our ice creams.Some seagulls took peoples ice creams was taken well some. Then we packed our stuff to go back to school. I fell asleep 😴 for one 1️⃣ hour again we watched a DVD player. That was all we did bye!

  3. I love Broadstairs it was so lovely 🤩

  4. Genesis Y2 says:

    l loved Broadstairs it was really fun my favrioute part of the trip was when l got all of my clothse got wet and when l had some icecream and that on the way me and Giorgia my partner made a song called CUTE FRUITS. I had so much fun but when we was leaving I felt abit sad because it was my favrouite trip so I made sure that I got really wet and that l had alot of fun . l also wanted to say thank you to all of the teacher’s.

  5. Guerlain says:

    I loved my trip to Broadstairs because after being in a long coach ride, we got to eat some delicious packed lunch food and when we got onto the beach we got in groups to make the sandcastles. The lifeguards chose the winners. There were so many (sea)gulls. Most of us loved jumping in the waves. After that we had ice cream and we had to be careful and we hid from the seagulls. Some of our ice creams were stolen by the seagulls, just like Year 1 before us. On the way back most of us were tired and exhausted after our great day at the beach.

  6. I loved it. Best trip ever!! 👌😁

  7. Kayode 🤩🤩🤩💫❤️❤️🌈😄😄😄😄🤩🤩 says:

    Broadstairs was amazing 🤩 and I want to go there someday!! I think 🤔 it was absolutely amazing 🥲 and fun 🤩 !! Thank you ☺️ teachers 👩‍🏫 and parents for helping us to have fun especially to Miss Carruthers😀😀☺️

  8. Thank you for organizing this trip ! The kids had a great time 🙂

  9. I loved it. My favourite bit was jumping in the 🌊 I got sooooooo wet!!!!!!

  10. Alexandra Y3 says:

    That looks like fun Year 2!

  11. I loved the creamy ice cream and hot potato game but I am happy for the winning team in the sandcastle competition. It was funny hiding from the seagulls. It took Daniels ice cream

  12. Genesis y2 says:

    l loved going to Broadstairs to Charlie

  13. Joseph S says:

    I loved going to Broadstairs Beach and I thought it was very funny when the greedy seagulls tried to steal our yummy ice creams. Luckily I finished mine before they had a chance to peck at it or me!!

    Thank you for such a good trip, I really, really loved it! The coach journey was fun too!

  14. Louis Y2 says:

    The exciting trip was very fun. My favourite part was the ice cream with a chocolate flake. It was exciting to jump over the waves.

  15. I love it to

  16. Lola-Lily Y2 says:

    I really liked the trip it was fun padilng in the sea 🌊 and my group of friends 👫 were helping me with a sandcastle to win 🏆 the sandcastle competition. The seagull swooped twice on me!!!

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