Today, as part 2 of our ‘Black and Blue’ anti-drugs project, Year 6 were invited to visit Stamford Bridge, the home of Chelsea Football Club.

Along with Year 6 classes from other local schools, we got the chance to meet Paul Canoville, Chelsea’s first black player. Each school acted out a part of Paul Canoville’s life and career and also had the chance to ask him questions about how he overcame his drug addiction.

We had a great day out and learned so much. Our two Chelsea fans even got Paul Canoville’s autograph on the backs of their Chelsea shirts!

33 comments on “Year 6 trip to Stamford Bridge: Black and Blue Project Part 2

  1. Catherine says:

    I loved coming to Stanford Bridge to meet Paul Canoville. It was very interesting to hear his important story that can taught me a lesson.😃

  2. Hollirose says:

    It was really fun and Paul is very funny.

  3. Madeleine Y6 says:

    I really liked going to Stanford Bridge and meeting Paul Canoville .It was very interesting .

  4. Constance says:

    Paul Canoville was really good at telling his story. He was very fun to listen too.

  5. This was a great trip and thank you to everyone who organised it. It was really interesting and fun to learn but was still a sad and inspiring story.

  6. I really like going to Stanford Bridge to meet Paul Canoville. He was really funny

  7. Sophia p says:

    This was such a fun experincne. I loved learning about paul canoville.

  8. Paul Canoville was great and really good at imitating his mum. Also he explained his life vert passionately and I learnt a lot about him.

  9. It was a lot of fun and I learned so much about the danger of drugs and how they can ruin your life. Seeing the Chelsea football pitch was probably the best part though.

  10. I loved going to Stamford Bridge since I support Chelsea. I still thought Paul Canoville’s story was inspiring.

  11. Mila year6 says:

    This school trip was really fun and learning about Paul Canoville story. It was really interesting and seeing Stamford bridge was amazing.

  12. It was a really interesting trip and I hope the year 5s will get to do this next year!

  13. It very informative, but still fun and interesting!

  14. I loved seeing Paul Canoville and he taught me a very valuable lesson that evem if people are being mean to you you should always not handle it on your own you should always ask for help.

  15. I really enjoyed this trip and I learnt so much about how hard it was for a black person to play for a professional football team and not be abused.

  16. I really enjoyed this trip and I learnt so much about how hard it was for a black person to play for a professional football team and not be abused.It was increadible.

  17. I liked seeing the pitch.

  18. Sophia B yr6 says:

    I had so much fun meeting Paul Canoville at Stanford Bridge! I loved listening to his stories !

  19. Sophie yr6 says:

    It was really interesting listening to Paul Canoville’s story and his lesson to not do drugs

  20. I loved meeting Paul Canoville and learning about his story that taught me so much.

  21. This was an amazing experience! Imagine living the life he did with many adventures, how would you feel? He is an amazing role model! Thank you Paul Canoville.

  22. I loved it💕. The pitch was so small but very green🧶. But my favourite part about it was meeting Paul Canoville.😍😍😍

  23. I had so much fun meeting Paul because we got to learn so much about his life , it was so fascinating .

  24. It was a long time but we all had a good time and he signd my shirt

  25. I had a lot of fun at Stanford Bridge!! It was so exciting to finally meet Paul Canoville after learning so much about him. We all learnt a valuable lesson, one we’ll never forget.

  26. Isabella says:

    I loved going to meet Paul Canoville as it was very interesting meeting him and learning about what he went through.

  27. Albert Y6 says:

    I loved meeting Paul Canoville! it was so so sooooo fun! I learnt so much about his story and he taught me so much!

  28. It was really fun to see a famous football player.

  29. It was so cool to meet Paul Canoville and I got to go on stage with some of my friends to say a few lines! 😎😎😎

  30. George y6 says:

    It was so good Paul Cannovile is a very nice guy but Chelsea pitch is small.

  31. Alexandra Y3 ⚽⚾🥎🏀🏐🏈🏉🎱🎳 says:

    I hope you had fun!

  32. It must have been amazing to meet Paul and learn about his life at Stanford Bridge.

  33. Harmony y2 says:

    That looks so fun I can’t wait to go to year six.

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